With Catch+Release we make it easy for you to collaborate with your colleagues, and overall company with our Team functionality.
Step 1: Go to your workspace
Step 2: Select the dropdown
Step 3: Select the "Create a team" button
Step 4: Add your Team name
Step 5: Invite Team
Once your Team has been created you can invite users to join the team. Invite users by clicking on Manage Team. You'll then be on the Mange Team page, and can Invite. Enter in their email address, and set their permission.
Step 6: Invitation Sent
At this point your team member will receive an email invite and will also see a notification on their workspace reminding them they have been invited to a team. Once they accept they can begin collaborating!
Here's a preview of what the email looks like:
Here's what the notification in the workspace looks like:
Pro Tip:
You can also add a collaborator and share collections with anyone (agency partner, client, external team members) to get their thoughts on your shots without adding them to your team. Here's a guide on how to add a collaborator and what they can do.