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How do I setup a Usage?

In this article we'll cover requesting license / usage for content.

Tahima Begum avatar
Written by Tahima Begum
Updated over a month ago

Once you've added content to your projects, the next step is to request use so our clearance team can begin licensing content. Before you request a license, please make sure to have usage details handy (ie: Market, Use, and Term required for your production).

Step 1: Go to the project you'd like to begin usage for.

Step 2: Click on Request Use

Step 3: You'll see a pop up where you can input usage details. If you have created usages in the past you can select an existing usage or create a new one

Step 4: Fill out the details on what you are producing, the more information we can provide to the creator the faster we'll get content cleared.

  • Project Name

  • Please explain what your project or campaign is about. How will the requested content be used? How much content will be licensed for the project? The information provided here will help us explain the opportunity to rights holders.

    1. For ex: TB productions is producing an ad campaign for its x services or product. The campaign will feature various images and videos of New Yorkers engaged in outdoor activities, highlighting the benefits of an active lifestyle and the positive possibilities of staying healthy. We're hoping to license 5 pieces of content.

  • Production: Enter the end client for the license purchase

  • End client name: Brand/Agency name that will license the content

  • PO: Add in the PO number if available


Step 5: You'll be prompted to choose how the content will be used. Rights definition can be found here.

Step 6: You'll need to select audience size from the drop down and input where you'll display the content.

Step 7: Set rights info. Such as: term of content, start date, clearance deadline, exclusivity, and add any clearance notes

Step 8: Review and make sure all of the information is correct.

Step 9: Hit Save and the shot will be added to your Cart.

Step 10: Go to your Cart and checkout.

Once you've checked out via the Cart, the shot will be sent to our clearance team to start the process with the Creator. You'll be able to check the status of the shot under "Shots in Clearance" in your team workspace.

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